Contact Us





  Local Services 

Borough Hall -
46 Butter Rd.
Dover, PA  17315
(717) 292-6530


Office Hours:

Monday through Friday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Northern York County Regional Police
1445 E. Canal Rd. Dover, PA 17315
Phone: (717) 292-3647

Union Fire & Hose Co. #1
30 E. Canal St.
Dover, PA 17315
Phone: (717) 292-1493
Fax: (717) 292-3521

Animal Control Officer
Contact 911 to dispatch the animal control officer.

Tax Collector
Sam Herman
Phone: (717) 292-1154

Dover Area Ambulance Club
40 E. Canal St.
Dover, PA 17315
Phone: (717) 292-9776

EMA Coordinator
Anne Zarlenga
Phone: 717-916-1832



Billing for water, sewer and refuse is done quarterly and the charges for water and sewer are based on usage.


Failure to receive a bill does not void responsibility for its payment or waive the past due penalty. Billing dates are March 1, June 1, September 1 and December 1 and are due within 30 days.

$32.00 Minimum 3,000 gallon usage (effective 1/1/2013)
$ 6.25 Per thousand gallons (above 3,000 gal.)

$35 Service Fee
$12 Per thousand gallons (based on water usage)
$25 Reconnection Fee

$70 Per Quarter
Up to 6 – 32 gallon cans and/or bags (max 50 lbs. each)

Trash pick-up is on Monday year round.

Please note – Each time a holiday falls on Monday, Penn Waste will collect trash the following day, "Tuesday.”

Penn Waste Recycling Guidelines

Why tanglers don’t belong in your recycle bin (View video)


BULK/LARGE ITEM AND RECYCLING - 1 large or bulk item and recycling is collected once a week, on Monday. A detailed list of acceptable large items and recyclables is available in the column to the right.


Credit card payments may be made at the office or online. E-check or debits transactions must be completed online.


Make an online payment


(Click on date in orange to
see information for event)

view larger calendar





Acceptable Bulk Items

Electronics Recycling

(State law prohibits trash haulers from collecting electronic items at the curb. The York County Solid Waste Authority
holds electronics recycling at its facility on Black Bridge Road in York.
For more information check their website at